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    Making Risk Surface Real

    An argument for risk surface’s leading role in corporate risk registers By Richard Seiersen: Risk Management Author, Serial CISO, CEO Soluble

    What You Need to Know about the NYDFS Cybersecurity Regulations

    If you’re even loosely connected to the financial services industry, you’ve no doubt heard about the newest cybersecurity requirements issued by the New York State Department of Financial Services ...
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    What's Risk Surface?

    You’ve likely never heard the term “risk surface” before, but it’s an important concept that captures the way modern enterprises must manage risk. To that end, we’re providing an in-depth ...
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    How Universities Fail to Protect Student Data

    If there’s a lack of collegiate enthusiasm among today’s high schoolers, it’s not difficult to discover why: community colleges are woefully packed, universities are
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    RiskRecon Advisor Yong-Gon Chon Shares Cybersecurity Tips

    In a recent article in the
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    Meet with RiskRecon at the Financial Services-ISAC Annual Summit

    May 20th to 23rd RiskRecon will be a

    The Playbook for Managing Third-Party Security Risk

    Get our All-New Playbook reflecting real life data from executives of 30 companies that offers a window into how organizations are ...

    Part 1: Are Your Vendors Walking the Walk? Confronting Risk Realities: Your Measurements Are Incomplete

    You just received an updated security attestation from your third-party provider, but the hair on your arms stands straight up when news of the latest hack appears on your screen. Your vendors ...