As Digital Transformation ushers in a plethora of changes, critical areas of risk exposure are also changing and expanding. We view the risk surface as anywhere an organization’s ability to operate, reputation, assets, legal obligations, or regulatory compliance is at risk. The aspects of a firm’s risk exposure that are associated with or observable from the internet are considered its internet risk surface. In our latest report, Internet Risk Surface in the Finance Sector, we compare five key dimensions of the internet risk surface across different industries and highlight where the financial sector ranks among them.

Finance-Report-Infographic-Thumb1Hosts: Number of internet-facing assets associated with an organization.

Providers: Number of external service providers used across hosts.

Geography: Measure of the geographic distribution of a firm’s hosts.

Asset Value: Rating of the data sensitivity and business criticality of hosts based on multiple observed indicators, including high-value systems that collect GDPR and CCPA regulated information.

Findings: Security-relevant issues that expose hosts to various threats, following the CVSS rating scale.

As we dove into the data with our partners from the Cyentia Institute we discovered several interesting findings that showed how well financial firms are managing digital risk. Download this new infographic to learn more about how the financial industry stacks up against other segments, the rate of severe findings in cloud vs. on-premise assets and the financial sectors' internet risk compared to other industries. 

Download the Infographic