In today’s world of swiftly changing digital landscape, businesses face the ever-present threat of security risks to both their networks and data. To help mitigate these risks effectively, organizations employ various safety measures, including Safety Risk Assessment (SRA). In this article we will go over understanding SRA’s and how they work, what they do, and understanding the key differences between Safety Risk Assessment and Security Risk Assessment, and the process involved in performing the SRA.

What is a System Risk Assessment (SRA)? 

Let’s first talk about what a System Risk Assessment is.A System Risk Assessment or SRA is a structured security risk analysis and evaluation of any potential risk that could be associated with an organization’s information systems processesand technologies. Its primary purpose is to identify vulnerabilities, threats, and potential impacts on a system's integrity, availability, and confidentiality. Through a system risk assessmentbusinesses can proactively identifyg and prioritize risks byimplementing appropriate security countermeasures, procedures, and controls. 

What’s the Objective of an SRA?

The main objective of performing a SRA is to evaluate and understand the benign risks posed to your system or network. By having a SRA conducted on your system, this risk identification allows a company to: 

  • Identify Vulnerabilities: Pinpointing the weaknesseswithin the systems, processes, or technologies that could have been exploited by malevolent actors.
  • Assess Threats: Evaluate for potential risks, such as unauthorized access, data breaches, malware attacks, natural disasters, or human errors. 
  • Determine Potential Impacts: Understand the consequences and the potential damage that could occur if identified risks are realized. 
  • Prioritize Risk Mitigation: Establish a framework for prioritizing and implementing security controls and countermeasures to reduce or eliminate the identified risk. 

Is a System Risk Assessment any Different than a Security Risk Assessment?

While both SRAs and Security Risk Assessments share a common goal of identifying and mitigating risks (and a common acronym), they are different in both scope and focus:

  • System Risk Assessment (SRA): Focuses specifically on assessing risks and security threats related to an organization’s information systems, including hardware, software, networks, and data management processes. It aims to evaluate any potential threat specific to the system’s functionality, integrity, and availability. 
  • Security Risk Assessment: This takes a broader perspective, considering any risk associated with an organization’s overall security posture. It includes a risk analysis of physical security, personnel security, operational security, and other factors beyond information systems alone. 

How do you Perform an SRA?

The following steps are what a typical SRA Assessment can look like when it is performed:

  1. Define the scope: Clearly outline the boundaries and components of the system to be assessed. Identify relevant assets, stakeholders, and dependencies. 
  2. Identify threats: Identify any potential threat or vulnerability that could compromise the system's confidentiality, integrity, or availability. This may include examining technical specifications, security policies, and industry best practices for security threats. 
  3. Assess risks: Evaluate the likelihood and potential impact of identified threats. This involves considering factors such as the sensitivity of data, the system's criticality, and the probability of the threats being exploited. 
  4. Prioritize risks: Rank risks based on their severity and potential risk level to the organization. This helps allocate resources effectively and focus on the most significant risks. 
  5. Develop mitigation strategies: Implement appropriate security controls, countermeasures, and safeguards to address the identified risks. These may include technical measures, policies and procedures, training programs, and incident response plans. 
  6. Monitor and review: Regularly review and update the SRA to account for changes in the system, emerging threats, and evolving technologies. Practicing periodic reassessment helps ensure the effectiveness of mitigation strategies. 

What’s Included in an SRA?

A security risk assessment is a systemic security risk analysis and evaluation of an organization’s information systems, infrastructure, policies, and processes to identify vulnerabilities and potential risks. A good SRA tool will typically include the following: 

  • Asset inventory: Identifying and categorizing critical assets, such as hardware, software, data, and intellectual property. 
  • Threat identification: Identifying potential threats and attack vectors, including external threats (hackers or malware), and internal threats (unauthorized access or employee negligence).
  • Vulnerability assessment: Assessing weaknesses and vulnerabilities within the organization’s network infrastructure, applications, and security controls. 
  • Risk analysis: Evaluating the likelihood and potential impact of identified risks to prioritize mitigation efforts. 
  • Countermeasure Recommendations: Providing actionable recommendations and best security measures and practices to mitigate identified risks and enhance overall security posture.

How Does an SRA Detect Potential Threats?

An SRA detects potential threats by following a systemic and comprehensive approach:

  1. Identify known threats: By analyzing threat intelligence and staying on top of the latest attack vectors, SRAs can detect known threats and vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can exploit. 
  2. Vulnerability scanning: Conduct vulnerability assessment scans of network infrastructure systems and applications to identify vulnerabilities. 
  3. Penetration testing: This is done by simulating real-world attacks to identify security weaknesses and test the effectiveness of the existing defenses. 
  4. Social engineering assessment: To identify potential human services vulnerabilities and assess the organization’s susceptibility to social engineering attacks, such as phishing or pretexting. 

What Are Some Types of Risk Assessments?

  • Enterprise risk assessment: Identifying risks across the entire organization, considering both cyber and non-cyber aspects. 
  • IT risk assessment: Focusing specifically on the risks associated with information technology systems, infrastructure, and data. 
  • Application risk assessment: Assessing the risks associated with individual software applications, including vulnerabilities and potential impact on the organization. 
  • Vendor risk assessment: Evaluating the risks posed by third-party vendors or service providers who have access to the organization’s systems or data. 
  • Compliance risk assessment: Assessing the organization’s compliance with relevant regulations, industry standards, and legal requirements.

Are SRAs Required by Law?

The legal requirement for SRAs varies depending on the industry, jurisdiction, and specific regulations applicable to the organization. For example, certain sectors such as healthcare (HIPAA) and financial services (PCI DSS) have specific requirements for conducting regular security assessments. Organizations operating in regulated industries or dealing with sensitive data should consult the relevant legal frameworks to determine the specific obligations regarding SRAs. 

Who Needs an SRA?

SRAs are essential for all organizations that rely on technology infrastructure and handle sensitive information. This includes businesses of all sizes, government agencies, healthcare providers, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations. Regardless of the industry, any entity that wants to protect its digital assets and ensure business continuity should consider prioritizing regular SRAs. 

How Often Should SRAs Be Conducted?

The frequency of SRAs depends on factors such as the organization’s size, industry, risk appetite, and the evolving threat landscape. Generally, SRAs should be conducted: 

  • Regularly: Organizations should perform SRAs at regular intervals to account for changes in their technology landscape and emerging threats. Annual or bi-annual assessments are commonly recommended. 
  • Trigger events: SRAs should also be conducted whenever significant changes occur within the organization, such as major system upgrades, mergers/acquisitions, or regulatory changes. 

Can an SRA Prevent a Cyber Attack?

While an SRA cannot guarantee the prevention of all cyber attacks, it plays a crucial role in mitigating risks and enhancing the organization’s security posture. By identifying the vulnerabilities and recommending countermeasures, an SRA helps organizations implement proactive security measures and reduce the likelihood of successful cyber attacks. It allows organizations to prioritize their security investments and cybersecurity tools to allocate resources effectively, making it harder for attackers to exploit weaknesses.  

How Can RiskRecon by Mastercard Help Me?

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